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67 Points Calculator

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    Our Services

      Calculate your Score using This Canada Immigration 67 Points Calculator 2024

      Visa Subclass

      Score 00

      Select the age group you belong to

      Score 00

      Language Ability

      In order to claim points for language, candidates must demonstrate their proficiency in English OR French by way of a language test recognized by the Government of Canada.

      Score 00

      how many years of skilled work experience did you have?

      Score 00

      Education and Training

      What is your highest level of completed education?

      Score 00

      Australian Qualification

      Score 00

      5) Australian Work Experience

      How many years of work experience do you have in Australia?

      Score 00

      Specialist Educational Qualification

      Score 00

      Accredited Community Language

      Score 00

      Professional Year in Australia

      Score 00

      Partner Qualifications

      Score 00

      Total Points:


      Total Score: 00

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