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Sponsor Your Spouse Or Common-Law Partner For Canada Immigration 

Sponsor Your Spouse Or Common-Law Partner For Canada Immigration 

Sponsor Your Spouse Or Common-Law Partner For Canada Immigration 

The Family Reunification Program is considered the second most prominent class of Canada Immigration after Canada’s economic program. As a result, the Canadian Immigration Authority, IRCC(Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship and Canada), is expected to welcome almost 114,000 new Canada PR holders through these immigration pathways. 

It includes a Canada Spouse Visa, children and dependents, as well as parents and grandparents. Through the process of sponsoring a spouse, foreign individuals can eventually become permanent residents themselves by Immigrating to Canada to live with their spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner who is a citizen or permanent resident.

If you are planning to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner to Canada, this article is for you. This article will provide every detail about the Spousal Sponsoring in Canada. But, before proceeding, let us give you an overview of Canada Spouse Visa. 

What Is A Canada Spouse Visa? 

The Canada Spouse Visa is a unique family reunification program that allows Canadian citizens or permanent residents to sponsor their spouse or common-law partner to live with them in Canada. Under this, the most eligible candidate will directly receive permanent residency in Canada. 

Pathways Of Spousal Sponsorship   

The following are two pathways available for the spousal sponsorship in Canada. 

  1. Inland Sponsorship 

This sponsorship pathway is designed for those candidates who are planning to apply for the immigration program from within Canada. When choosing the inland sponsorship route for spouses or partners, foreign nationals must make sure they are in Canada as visitors, temporary residents, or holders of a work or study permit.

The sponsored partner may be qualified to apply for a Spousal Open Work Permit (SOWP) in conjunction with their application for permanent residency if they are currently residing in Canada.

Common-law partners and spouses must reside together at the time the application is filed. Married individuals are not permitted to apply for inland sponsorship.

Moreover, the IRCC advises against leaving Canada for anyone applying for inland sponsorship of permanent residence. In particular, if they require a guest visa, they cannot return if they do go. 

  1. Outland Sponsorship 

The Outland Sponsorship program targets couples who cannot live together in Canada or are applying from outside the country. If they fulfil all other requirements for spousal sponsorship, spouses, common-law partners, and marital partners may apply.

The sponsor typically resides in Canada. Foreign nationals can visit Canada multiple times as they await the outcome of their application. For sponsored partners who reside in Canada and are aware. Outland sponsorship might be the best option if they need to travel abroad and return while their application is being processed.

Eligibility Criteria For Sponsoring Your Spouse Or Common-Law Partner For Canada Immigration 

The following information explains the eligibility criteria for sponsoring your spouse or common-law partner for Canadian Immigration. 

  1. Requirements For Sponsor 
  • One of the first requirements is that the candidate be above 18 years old. 
  • The candidate should be a legal permanent resident or citizen of Canada. 
  • The Candidate must not be facing significant criminal charges, be in jail, be insolvent, or be subject to a removal order.
  • It is not acceptable for the candidate to have had spousal sponsorship in the previous five years.
  1. Financial Commitments 

Under this, the sponsor should agree to support the sponsor for three years and should assist the spouse with essential needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. 

  1. Type Of Relationship 

The following are the eligible visa types under this visa program. 

  • Spouse: The Canadian Permanent Resident or citizen should be legally married to their sponsored spouse. 
  • Common-Law Partner: The sponsored spouse and the Canadian permanent resident or citizens should have lived together for at least 12 months. 
  • Conjugal Partner: In a committed relationship for at least one year, but are unable to live together due to barriers like immigration. 


The Family Reunification Program in Canada is set to welcome 114,000 new Canada PR holders through various pathways. Including Canada Spouse Visa, children, dependents, parents, and grandparents. 

Foreign individuals can become permanent residents through a Canada Spouse Visa. Eligibility criteria include being above 18, being a legal permanent resident, not facing significant criminal charges, and not having spousal sponsorship in the past five years.

For more details about the Canadian Spouse Visa, contact Province Immigration via +91 98961 96762 or [email protected] 

Province Immigration

Province Immigration

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