6 Province’s of Canada have Invited Candidates in Latest Provincial Immigration Results

6 Province’s of Canada have Invited Candidates in Latest Provincial Immigration Results

6 Province’s of Canada have Invited Candidates in Latest Provincial Immigration Results According to the most recent provincial immigration statistics, candidates have been invited to six Canadian provinces. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) are run by every province and territory in Canada, with the exception of Quebec and Nunavut. Given both the federal and provincial governments…

British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba issue ITAs in the latest provincial immigration results

British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba issue ITAs in the latest provincial immigration results

British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba issue ITAs in the latest provincial immigration results This week, the results of three Canadian provinces’ provincial immigration draws have been made public. The majority of provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec and Nunavut, operate Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) to identify immigrants from the most advantageous economic classes…