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General draw to invite 175 candidates to British Columbia

Latest general draw British Columbia

General draw to invite 175 candidates to British Columbia

General draw to invite 175 candidates to British Columbia

British Columbia issued a general occupation draw on 4th april, 2023 which invited a total of 175 candidates from various job backgrounds some of them are listed below. This general draw included tech occupations, skilled worker, skilled worker – EEBC option, both with 103 minimum score, International graduate, international graduate – EEBC option with minimum score 106 and International level and semi -skilled with minimum score 85, a total of 152 candidates are invited under this category.  Moreover, the targeted draw targeted childcare: early childhood educators and assistants (Noc 42202) and healthcare , both with 60 as their minimum score and 17 and 6 candidates respectively. 

The targeted invitations sent to the skilled immigration streams may be based on the following factors;

  1. Education: level and field of education 
  2. Work experience: number of years
  3. wage/ skill set of the job offered
  4. Intention: whether to live, settle or work in British Columbia
  5. Eligible occupational designations in British Columbia


Invitation is sent to all the streams except health authorities and International post graduates who can apply directly.

British Columbia PNP invites candidates from the registration pool 

Candidates registration profile helps to select or rank the candidate and whether he/she can contribute towards the economic development of British Columbia and meet the demands of the labor market. 

The invites may be targeted to be sent to specific skilled sectors, encouraging immigration in the region.

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