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More Canadian universities allowed International Students


More Canadian universities allowed International Students

More Canadian universities allowed to welcome international students

canadian universities allowed international students

Universities and colleges face a drop in international enrolment and an increase in domestic enrolment

Canada has updated its list of accepted Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs) which are permitted to welcome foreign students during the COVID-19 pandemic. More Canadian universities allowed international students. 

A DLI is a college, university or college that is permitted to host international students. Canada had introduced travel restrictions on non-essential travel to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

Travel restrictions had included new foreign students. Only those people who have a research permit or an approval issued on or before March 18 were permitted to travel to Canada. However, Canada has recently started to ease restrictions allowing more international students to pursue their education in the country.

Institutions who wish to make the record must have a COVID-19 readiness program approved by their own provincial or territorial government.

Pupils who are enrolled in these approved DLIs are exempt from Canada’s travel restrictions, and will likely be granted entry to Canada with a border official upon arrival.

Many notable Ontario-based institutions have been added, like the University of Waterloo, Ryerson University, OCAD University and the University of Windsor. More Canadian universities allowed international students. 

A lot of people entering Canada, including international students, are required by legislation to quarantine themselves for 14 days upon arrival. This usually means that you need to remain indoors at all times. Failure to do this might result in hefty fines.

Additionally, travelers to Canada, particularly by air, are required to install the Arrive CAN mobile application. You will be required to file your journey and contact info, your quarantine plan, in addition to a daily COVID-19 symptom self evaluation.

A quarantine plan comprises where you intend to quarantine, and also the way you are planning to obtain necessary things such as groceries and medicine.

Drop in international enrollment

Many universities across the nation, such as in British Columbia and Ontario, have seen a spike in national enrolment and a fall in global enrolment. This is based on a research conducted by Course Compare, a platform that helps connect students to classes and training applications.

Not all universities saw a fall in global enrolment. There are a number of exceptions. For example, UBC Okanagan saw a nine percent growth in international undergraduate enrolment. Overall, however, the study indicates a nine per cent drop in international enrolment throughout Canadian learning associations. This is based on official figures by over 50 associations throughout the nation.

One possible explanation for this is that many Canadian colleges and universities want to expand their online education into next semester. Some students, especially international students who pay high tuition fees, may be reluctant to enroll, until classes revert to being on-campus.

Additionally, many international students are registered in more functional hands-on programs such as acting, nursing and lab-dependent programs like electric engineering and film production. Such programs may be considered to be the most adversely affected, because it’s very challenging to present the courses online. An option is to present the courses on-campus with physical distancing procedures. In some cases, the lessons can be suspended altogether.

If it comes to domestic students, however, universities and schools in Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic Canada and B.C. saw a significant growth in enrolment, many of whom are adult students. This may be down to high unemployment levels.

ο Reference taken from CIC News

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