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Canada welcomed new immigrants in October


Canada welcomed new immigrants in October

Canada welcomed another 15,000 new immigrants in October

canada welcomed new immigrants in october

Canada’s new permanent residence arrivals remained at same level as September 2020

Canada welcomed only under 15,100 new immigrants in October 2020, roughly exactly the same amount it welcomed in September. Canada welcomed new immigrants in October.

The new Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) data shows that October was the second strongest month for new immigrant arrivals into Canada because the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

However, Canada’s immigration levels remain significantly lower due to the pandemic.

Prior to the pandemic, Canada welcomed some 25,000-35,000 new immigrants per month.

In October 2019, Canada welcomed 31,000 immigrants, meaning that immigration has more than halved to a year-over-year basis.

Canada has welcomed about 158,600 immigrants in the first 10 months of 2020 which strongly suggests it’s going to fall short of 200,000 arrivals by the end of the year for the first time since 1999. Canada welcomed over 341,000 total last year and has been aiming to welcome the exact same degree in 2020 prior to the pandemic hit.

The strongest month during the pandemic came in June when Canada admitted 19,100 new permanent residents.

Lower immigration to Canada is because of the disruptions caused by the pandemic, challenges in confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) holders coming to Canada, and Canada’s coronavirus travelling restrictions.

Regardless of the pandemic, Canada intends to welcome high levels of new permanent residents within the coming years. Canada welcomed new immigrants in October.

On October 30th, Canada announced that elevated levels are supposed to compensate for the decrease in immigration caused by the pandemic.

The new 2021-2023 Immigration Amounts Plan will see Canada target over 400,000 new immigrant arrivals annually which is the greatest goals in its history.

Express Entry pulls are occurring regularly and past week, Canada exceeded 100,000 Express Entry immigration invitations for the very first time ever.

Express Entry is Canada’s most important means to handle skilled worker immigration programs.

It remains to be seen if Canada’s 2021 immigration goal is achievable due to ongoing disruptions caused by COVID-19, however aid is on the way. Health Canada provided its first acceptance to get a COVID-19 vaccine last week and Canadians are set to begin receiving inoculations today.

Canada’s coronavirus instances have improved at a concerning rate in recent weeks leading to new lockdowns in cities such as Toronto. At the exact same time, Canada has secured the most coronavirus vaccines per capita in the world as it looks to bring this crisis to a halt by using the largest vaccination campaign in its history.

The wide scale vaccination of people in Canada and abroad will permit the Canadian government to relax its travel limitations and see the nation’s immigration levels return to normal. Meanwhile, IRCC continues to accept and process new immigration programs.

ο Reference taken from CIC News

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