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Canada is resuming citizenship online


Canada is resuming citizenship online

Canada is resuming citizenship testing online

canada is resuming citizenship online

Canada is now offering citizenship tests online after the pandemic forced testing to cease in March.

Eight months following all citizenship tests were cancelled, Canada is now making the test available online. Canada is resuming citizenship online.

During this time period, online citizenship tests will be provided to people whose evaluations were cancelled on account of the pandemic and those that are on the waiting list.

IRCC will encourage more citizenship applicants to utilize the platform after performance monitoring proves it functions reliably. More people will likely be encouraged to take the test in the new calendar year, CBC accounts .

Test-takers might need to confirm their identity through private info, and have a photo of themselves and their ID files with a webcam before the exam begins.

Citizenship applicants may have 21 days to complete the test, at a time that’s suitable for them.

The machine will take photos of participants during the evaluation, and it is a process that’s been used to track other evaluations that have moved online during the pandemic like bar exams, and law school admissions tests.

IRCC had been operating on modernizing the citizenship schedule prior to the pandemic, according to a press release. Online testing was a part of the initiative. Canada is resuming citizenship online.

What will the test format be like?

Much like the in-person tests, online tests will be 20 participants and questions will have 30 minutes to finish them.

IRCC said that people don’t need to reach out into the department, those invited to take the test on line, or their representative, will be advised by email.

There’s also the option to wait to take the test in-house, however no date has been set yet for resuming this process.

85,000 or more people waiting for citizenship test

As of September 7, about 85,000 people were waiting to take the citizenship test, based on IRCC information .

The backlog in citizenship software was that the impetus for the group for Resumption of Canadian Citizenship Tests, who held demonstrations in Toronto and Montreal in early November. Among among the group calls to actions was that the resumption of citizenship evaluations.

In a statement to CIC News, the group called the online testing initiative”a step in the right direction” but question whether or not it will be enough to deal with the needs of tens of thousands of applicants in a timely manor.

Included in the Citizenship Act, all citizenship applicants between ages 18 to 54 must demonstrate knowledge of Canada in order to become citizens. Prior to 1994, this procedure was done by interview, which remains the case for applicants over age 55.

Canadian citizenship provides immigrants the right to vote and receive a passport. It also gives many people a feeling of belonging, and security.

ο Reference taken from CIC News 

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