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How Does IRCC Select Sponsors Via The Parents And Grandparents Program? 

IRCC Select Sponsors Via The Parents And Grandparents Program

How Does IRCC Select Sponsors Via The Parents And Grandparents Program? 

Each year, the Canadian Immigration Authority, IRCC(Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada), selects Canadian sponsors who are permanent residents or citizens of Canada and looking to sponsor their older loved ones, particularly their parents or grandparents, through the Parents and Grandparents Program(PGP).  

Meanwhile, you must wonder how the Canadian Immigration Authority selects these sponsors. However, the IRCC’s PGP selection process, influenced by a unique lottery system, is unclear, but recent government instructions provide more information. 

This article will provide every detail about the new instructions provided by the Canadian federal government about the selection process of sponsors for the PGP program. 

What Is IRCC’s Way Of Selecting Sponsors Via The PGP Program? 

From a randomized list of interested parties, the IRCC has chosen prospective sponsors for the most recent PGP intakes to sponsor forms submitted in 2020. First, the first consecutive entry that hasn’t been invited before is uploaded to a bulk email tool by an IRCC agent with a predetermined amount of email addresses. 

With this bulk email tool, prospective sponsors are invited to submit an application package for sponsorship and permanent residence and an invitation to apply (ITA).

Aiming to accept 20,500 complete applications, IRCC handed out 35,700 ITA letters for the 2024 intake. The more significant number of ITAs considered the possibility that some receivers may choose not to apply. 

Important Note On PGP Of 2024 

The IRCC selected sponsors from the 2020 pool of applicants who submitted an interest to sponsor form, even for those who acquired an ITA through the PGP this year. The IRCC considered regulations that were in effect in prior years for sponsors from the 2020 pool. They may be implemented going forward. 

Documents Requirement For The PGP Program 

Sponsors invited to submit complete sponsorship applications for the 2024 intake should submit a copy of the status in Canada document that was submitted along with their 2020 interest to sponsor form. However, if the authority finds any discrepancy in the interest to sponsor form and in the sponsorship application, in that case, the potential sponsor is required to provide a valid explanation of the change, and they also need to provide satisfactory evidence to demonstrate that the application is associated with the same person identified in 2020. 

Priority In The Sponsor Application Processing  

The following information explains the priority in the sponsor application processing. 

  • The IRCC Processes applications on a first-in, first-out basis, prioritising those waiting the longest.
  • 2024 marks the fourth year the PGP has drawn from the 2020 pool of interested sponsors.
  • Despite growth in admissions allocations, demand for the program consistently outpaces available space.
  • The slim allocations and extended service standards have led to criticism of IRCC’s family reunification initiatives.
  • After the 2023 PGP intake, 108,000 interests in sponsoring forms were still in IRCC’s backlog.  

What Is The Parents And Grandparents Program?

The Parents and Grandparents program generally opens once a year. It allows permanent residents or citizens of Canada to sponsor their grandparents or parents to Canada. 

Eligibility Criteria Of The Parents And Grandparents Program 

The following information explains the eligibility criteria for the parents and grandparents program. 

  • The Sponsor should be permanent residents or citizens of Canada and be above 18 years old to sponsor their parents and grandparents to Canada.
  • Another eligibility criterion is the sponsor should be able to meet the minimum income requirement to demonstrate that they can financially support the sponsored family member upon their arrival in Canada. However, the minimum income requirement may vary based on the size of the family.
  • Additionally, the participants of PGP should sign the sponsorship agreement that will commit to the sponsor providing financial assistance to sponsored participants for up to twenty years.  

What Is The Process For Applying For The PGP Program? 

The following information explains the process to apply for the PGP Program.

  • Understand the Responsibility and Requirement of Sponsor 

One of the steps to apply for the PGP Program is to understand the responsibility and the requirements of a sponsor. Being a sponsor means you agree to provide support(financially and non-financially) to your parents or grandparents for a particular period, even if your situation changes. 

  • Check your Eligibility 

After that, you must check your eligibility for the program. Under this, you can sponsor your biological or adopted grandparents or parents. 

  • Sponsored Candidate’s Eligibility 

Under this, the sponsor should check whether their parents or grandparents are eligible for the sponsorship. 

  • Submit an Interest to Sponsor 

To become a sponsor, you must submit an interest to sponsor form. However, this form was last available from October 13, 2020, to November 3, 2020. After the online form gets closed, the Canadian immigration authority reviews your application form and removes the duplicate forms. 

  • Check if you have got the ITA 

The authorities randomly select and invite the most potential sponsors to sponsor their parents and grandparents. The authorities will send the mail over the mail and update the status on their website.

  • Apply for the Sponsorship

If you get the invitation, you must apply for the sponsorship using the online application portal to sponsor your parents or grandparents. You will have a limited period to submit your complete application and the required documents. 

  • Wait for Confirmation 

After that, you must wait for the confirmation, and if your profile gets approved, you must prepare for their arrival and settle down with your loved ones in Canada. 


The Canadian Immigration Authority (IRCC) selects Canadian sponsors for the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP). This unique lottery system allows permanent residents or citizens to sponsor their older loved ones. 

The program, which opens annually, requires applicants to be above 18 years old, meet minimum income requirements, and sign a sponsorship agreement. Eligibility criteria include understanding their responsibility, checking eligibility, submitting an interest to sponsor form, receiving an ITA, applying for sponsorship, and waiting for confirmation. 

For more details about the PGP Program, contact Province Immigration via +91 98961 96762 or [email protected] 

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