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Which Country Is Better For Indians in 2024: Canada Or UK?


Which Country Is Better For Indians in 2024: Canada Or UK?

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Indian students frequently choose to study in the UK or Canada, both of which provide benefits and chances unique to themselves. Two of the most popular places for Indian students seeking a top-notch education and exposure to the rest of the world in recent years have been the United Kingdom and Canada. 

To Assist You In 2023 In Making An Educated Choice, Consider These Comparisons: 


Canada Study Permit

UK Study Visa

Eligibility criteria for admissions

Language test for proficiency is required for admission. (Language test like IELTS or TOEFL). While some universities have exempted.

IELTS or TOEFL are not required at universities.

Tuition fees 

Comparatively fees are high.

Tuition fees are average.

Cost Of Living 

For international students, the cost of living is high.

For international students, the cost of living is affordable (that means lower).

Post-Study Work Permit

Apply for a work permit within 90 days after finishing their studies.

Students can stay upto 2 years in order to find work.

Permanent Residency Opportunity

Welcomes more immigrants to study, work, and stay in the country.

Become a permanent residence chances are very low.

Medical Care

Public funded system offering $900 average cost per year.

Offers state funded medical care (called the national health service) that offers free of cost healthcare for all.

Top Universities To Compare

Some of the best universities in the world are located in Canada and the UK. Some of their finest universities may be found here. 


QS World University Rankings 2021 – Top 10 Universities in Canada

Canada Rank

Global Rank




University of Toronto



McGill University



University of British Columbia



Université de Montréal



University of Alberta



McMaster University



University of Waterloo



Western University



Queen’s University



University of Calgary


QS World University Rankings 2021 – Top 10 Universities in the UK

UK Rank

Global Rank




University of Oxford



University of Cambridge



Imperial College London



UCL (University College London)



University of Edinburgh



The University of Manchester



King’s College London (KCL)



London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)



University of Bristol



The University of Warwick

Eligibility Criteria For Canada And UK


  1. You must finish all 12 years of education in order to be admitted to an undergraduate programme (UG). The SAT Exam must be taken by international students.
  2. In Canada, degree programs typically last four years. In Canada, diploma programs last between two and three years.
  3. Along with traditional courses, the Canadian educational system permits a variety of vocational courses. It also includes a large number of regular postgraduate (PG) or master’s level classes. Vocational course admission is more simpler to get than standard course entrance.
  4. You must take the GMAT to be admitted to a management degree program. To apply for engineering degree admission in Canada, you must have a GRE exam score.
  5. There is no cut-off idea in the Canadian educational system. The typical scores needed for certain courses are made public by colleges. To get a decent indication of what is acceptable, prospective students might look at their websites for typical scores.
  6. You must pass language tests to demonstrate your language proficiency in order to apply for a Canadian course. Scores from the IELTS or TOEFL are acceptable regardless of the course. A few Canadian institutions don’t need a language exam for Indian students applying for admission.
  7. We advise you to take the TOEFL or IELTS exam because they are necessary to obtain the visa. If the interviewer for the visa is uncertain about your spoken language ability, they could refuse you a student visa for Canada. 


UK undergraduate programs used to call for 13 years of pre-university study, in contrast to Canadian schools. This regulation has just changed. For admission to UG programmes, UK institutions now take 10+2 CBSE certificates into consideration.

To apply for a postgraduate program in a UK university, you must complete a three-year undergraduate degree program.

To get admitted to management courses, you must take the GMAT. GRE scores are required for enrollment in scientific courses.

A high GMAT or GRE score can increase a candidate’s chances of being accepted into reputable UK institutions and universities.

Students with prior job experience are also preferred by UK institutions. Having work experience is crucial for getting accepted into UK management programs.

The TOEFL or IELTS exam is no longer a requirement for admission to universities in the UK. However, passing these language tests is essential to obtaining a study permit for the UK.

Average Salaries Of Canada And UK Jobs Which Is In-Demand

Checking the Jobs in Demand in Canada or UK is very important so that we can have a clear path what to do after our study is complete.


  1. Sales Associates, Average salary of $50,255
  2. Registered Nurse, Average salary of $ 76,362
  3. Driver, Average salary of $44,836
  4. Receptionist, Average salary of $31,304
  5. Welder, Average salary of $40,927
  6. Business Development Manager, Average salary of $85,000
  7. Project Manager, Average salary of $90,000
  8. Web Developer, Average salary of $62,522
  9. General Labourer, Average salary of $29,250
  10. Heavy-duty Mechanic, Average salary $70,000
  11. Electrical Engineer, Average salary of $77,400


  1. Data Scientist, Average base salary: £46,665
  2. Project Manager, Average base salary of £41,808
  3. Software Engineer, Average base salary £41,100
  4. Business Analyst, Average base salary £39,127
  5. Accountant, Average base salary £36,171
  6. Mechanical Engineer, Average base salary £33,765
  7. Graphic Designer, Average base salary £25,543
  8. Software Developer, Average base salary £35,247
  9. Data Analyst, Average base salary £30,323
  10. Executive Assistant, Average base salary: £39,163

Visa Process


Obtaining a Canadian student visa is simpler than doing so for the UK. A Canadian student visa is also subject to a number of restrictions. Which are:

The post-study work visa application must be submitted within 90 days after your course completion.

  1. For Indian candidates, a medical exam is required as part of the visa application procedure.
  2. Partner(s) may work full-time. Their stay in Canada must last for at least a year.
  3. Cost of processing is $150.
  4. During the course term, no student may work more than 20 hours per week.
  5. You are permitted to work up to 40 hours per week on holidays.


Getting a UK student visa is difficult because of the more stringent visa regulations. General details about student visas in the UK are as follows:

  1. Only for a full-time course of study
  2. For a diploma program, the visa might last up to 3 years.
  3. If you have a university degree, the visa’s maximum validity period is 4 years, and the application fee is £310.
  4. a further charge of £310 for each dependant visa
  5. You might need to go to a personal interview.
  6. depending on individual circumstances, a part-time employment permit while studies

Foreign students are permitted to:

  1. Full-time during breaks (only on-campus), 
  2. up to 20 hours per week of part-time work throughout the academic year.
  3. full-time internships that are a component of a “sandwich course.”


The immigration procedure is straightforward in Canada, and getting Canada permanent residency and citizenship is simpler. Immigration laws are rather strict in the UK. However, it is still a fantastic place to live and study. You can weigh the advantages and disadvantages to determine which nation to pick.

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